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First marathon runner tips

- Stop at every water station, even if you're not feeling thirsty - it is so easy to dehydrate without realizing it
- Drink LOADS of water in the days leading up to the race - again, even if you're not feeling thirsty, keep drinking
- Get a good night's sleep before the race, at least 8 hours if possible as this will help keep your mind focused as well as ensure that your body is energized
- Eat properly in the days leading up the race
Lots of fresh fruit and vegetables, more unprocessed carbohydrates than usual (brown rice, gluten free pasta etc), high protein (such as a chicken breast or piece of fish) which will sustain your energy, limit your oils and fats as these will make you sluggish on the day.
- Plan your run, and stick to it.
For my first marathon, I divided the race up into 4x6mile runs, and set my stop watch against each of these 4 runs and kept on track. That way, I divided up something huge into achievable chunks, and could pace myself as well as keep my progress on track

Do not:
- Over-run in the days leading up to the race - a light, maintenance run of 3-4 miles is all you need
- Drink alcohol. Some runners are really die hard about this (and will stop drinking months before race) - I just made sure not to go boozing at all in the two weeks leading up to the race and that seemed to work out just fine
- Change anything about how you run in the week leading up to the race - it will be tempting to buy new shoes and gear, or a new running watch, all of these may disrupt your rhythm and psych you out on the day!
-  Start out too fast or try to keep up with the pack - most everyone will be running too fast at the outset, and your ego will want you to at least 'keep up'.
You have your plan, now stick to it - and as a great runner once said to me leading up to my first marathon, take note of the people as they pass you, and check them off your mental list when you pass them at the 20th mile